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metro de San Sebastián

Azvi completes the excavation of the future San Sebastian metro station in Pasajes, Guipuzcoa

Azvi‘s work on a new 2.2km section of the San Sebastian metro, between Altza and Galtzaraborda, was visited by the new Basque Minister for Sustainable Mobility, Susana García Chueca, who, in her speech,  expressed her “sincere appreciation to the contractors” for the work carried out.

García Chueca,  joined  by the Deputy for Infrastructures and Transport, Miguel Ángel Páez, the General Director of ETS, Antonio López, and the Mayor of Pasajes, Teo Alberro, was able to see ‘in situ’, alongside  Azvi’s Civil Works Director, Carlos Puebla, the diaphragm walls and the upper slab that have served as a ‘caisson’ to complete the excavation between the retaining walls.

Major progress:

  • Work has started on the Pasajes terminal structures, including the counter vault and access ramp.
  • On the Galtzaraborda front, excavation by roadheader continues in the tunnel leading to Pasaia station using the New Austrian Tunelling Method (NATM )  having already advanced 360 metres of the total 744 metres.
  • Work continues on the lining of the tunnel that will link Altza and Pasajes, with 440metres completed out of the planned 940metres also using the NATM method..

Work on the San Sebastian metro is being carried out in a joint venture with COMSA, Nortúnel, CAMPEZO Obras y Servicios for Euskal Trenbide Sarea (ETS).

We remain committed to sustainable, modern, safe and efficient transport that promotes rail usage  and contributes to the reduction of polluting emissions!

Photos: Azvi
