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Tag: Azvi

We celebrate the eighteenth edition of the Azvi Awards

Since 2006, Grupo Azvi has held its annual awards ceremony at the end the December. The Azvi Awards are the company’s public recognition of its employees for their merits, effort and job well done in the various projects, businesses, activities and daily duties, as the best example of the company’s
EDAR de La Carlota

Azvi commences works on the new WWTP in La Carlota

Azvi has started works on the new WWTP in La Carlota, Cordoba. This key project for the treatment ofwaste water in the area depends on the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing, Water and Rural Development. The project’s main actions include the construction of: An effluent grouping system, including nine pumping
huella de carbono

Grupo Azvi reduces its carbon footprint again in 2023

In line with its commitment to combatting climate change, Grupo Azvi has once again calculated the carbon footprint of its companies, achieving a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) of between 5.98% and 17.63% in 2023 across Azvi, Cointer and Traccion Rail. These efforts have been recognised with the Reduzco

Azvi attends the AETOS 50th Anniversary Congress

We participated in the AETOS Congress, held as part of the events organised to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Spanish Association of Tunnels and Underground Works (AETOS). Tomás Jodra, Southern Region Delegate of Azvi's Civil Works Department, took part in the round table discussion Metros Andaluces: Sevilla, Málaga and