Azvi‘s works in the construction of the 2 km section between Altza and Galtzaraborda of the San Sebastian subway bypass have reached their halfway point.
After the completion of the line tunnel executed between the access gallery (Sasuategi) and the future Pasaia station, the excavation of the section between this gallery and the Altza terminal is currently underway, with less than 200 m left to finish.
We are also concluding the construction of the retaining walls at Pasaia station, once the Molinao estuary has been restored to its usual course.
This progress has been verified by the Minister of Territorial Planning, Housing and Transport of the Basque Government, Iñaki Arriola, during his visit this morning, alongside the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Pedro Marco, the General Director of ETS, Ernesto Martínez de Cabredo, and the Mayor of Pasaia, Teo Alberro, among other authorities.
We are proud to contribute to improving the mobility of thousands of people through the construction of this section of the San Sebastian metro, together with Comsa, Nortúnel, S.A. and Campezo Obras y Servicios for Euskal Trenbide Sarea – Red Ferroviaria Vasca (ETS).
Photos: Azvi